Monday, January 29, 2018

Bonjour tout le monde, 

WINTER​ CARNAVAL is here! RICK HANSEN’s 2018 WINTER CARNAVAL ​will be held from Monday February 5th - Friday February 9th.

WHAT’S HAPPENING : Listed below are the daily spirit events, fun and excitement that will be going on during the week of Carnaval. In addition, there will be daily trivia, songs and a visit by le roi (the King), la reine (the Queen), and le Bonhomme Carnaval!

Monday February 5 Kick off Assembly Kindergarten to Grade 8 @ 2PM

Tuesday February 6 -JOURNEE DE TOQUE ​(Winter Hat Day!) -DEGUISER LA PORTE! -Hot Chocolate Sales at Snack Recess ($.50) -Skating during Lunch Recess (Grades 4-8 ONLY. Helmet and Skates a must!)

Wednesday February 7 -LA JOURNEE DES FOULARDS​ (SCARF DAY) -DEGUISER LA PORTE! -Hot Chocolate Sales at Snack Recess ($0.50) -Skating during Lunch Recess (Grades 4-8 ONLY.Helmet and Skates a must!)

Thursday February 8 -PORTEZ UN CHANDAIL​ (Sweater Day) -DEGUISER LA PORTE JUDGING BY le roi, la reine et le Bonhomme!! -Hot Chocolate Sales at Snack Recess ($0.50) -Skating during Lunch Recess (Grades 4-8 ONLY.Helmet and Skates a must!)

Friday February 9 CARNAVAL D’HIVER!​! All students will be outside for 2/3rds of the day!
Please make sure you dress appropriately for the weather!

*Skating is weather dependent

We would appreciate your support!

. Joyeux Carnaval!