Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Wednesday January 6th, 2021

Welcome to Wednesday's synchronous (live video "face-to-face") school day.

Click on this link to join the google meet which will begin at 9:10am: 

Today is Day 5 on our daily cycle and we will be following our regular schedule as we always would, so you will be doing Literacy, Math, Social Studies, Drama, and French. 

We will be live for most of the day today except for 25 minutes each block for independent work and except for recess and lunch.



-We will be going to the Writing Google Classroom where I will be posting the class notes and I will be talking you through them as we do our second lesson in writing Research Reports. Today we will be constructing Flash Drafts!


-Go to the Math Google Classroom and we will continue with our review of the current unit. Expect an assessment (hopefully IN CLASS in the actual school) on Monday January 11th.

Social Studies:

-Grade 5's: We will continue with our work on School Trustees from just before the break.
-Grade 6's: We will continue with our work on Assignment B from just before the break.

-We will continue the next step in exploring writing in role and the unusual protagonist/antagonist mash-ups.

****For Madame Caughey, you will have to access the French Google Classroom to get your work for the day.***