Thursday, February 16, 2017

Pot-Luck Note of Thanks,

I'd like to thank all parents and guardians who supported their child in contributing to our successful potluck lunch this afternoon.

I think it's important for the students to take a moment and recognize how fortunate and lucky we were to have the PRIVILEGE (NOT right) to participate and be a part of events like this.  

I feel it is also important for them to recognize this by doing their part in showing their gratitude by verbally thanking each other for their contributions and giving a word of thanks when they are served food. As well, equally pitching in to clean up after ourselves after events like this is also another way to show that we are all grateful to not only each other but to the caretakers that work very hard to keep our room tidy.

That being said, it certainly was a variety of different foods and tastes, and I can't thank enough to all the efforts of everyone who was involved to make this a success.


Mr. Vryonides.
