Sunday, April 18, 2021

 Homework, News, and Announcements

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. I hope you had a restful and safe break and were able to recharge your batteries.

We are back online but I hope that we will be back in classes as soon as possible.

This post is for our school day for Monday April 19th. 

Monday is Day 3 on our daily cycle and we will be following our regular schedule as we always would, so you will be doing Literacy (READING), Math, Music, French, and Health. You will be going to the Google classrooms for each subject to get your work that I have posted.

Today will be ASYNCHRONOUS learning, meaning that I have posted the work for you. 

STARTING TOMORROW we will be live for most of the day today except for 25 minutes each block for independent work and except for recess and lunch. I will be posting the link for the Google link on Monday evening/Tuesday morning for Tuesday's school day.


-Identify the Main Ideas for the Octopus article (or one of the links to the other articles) attached to the Reading Google Classroom (following the information from today's lesson).
-ALWAYS have a "Just Right"  (grade level, appropriate, etc.) book ready for every reading class. 
-The following website you can now sign out books in the York Region District School Board DIGITAL LIBRARY!:

-Update your essays with rebuttals and counterclaims after our most recent Writing lesson. Complete this to be up to date by Thursday April 8th.

-Media Literacy:
-We are working on Question #3 from the Media Literacy task which was attached to the Writing Google Classroom. We will continue to work on it next day 5. This is Due in two Day 5 classes on April 21st. 


-Grade 5: Patterning: Lesson #8. assessment now complete.
-Grade 6: Patterning: Lesson #8. assessment now complete.
-Try some patterning practice at:
-Here is a good site for Math support for the Nelson Math program:
-And here are more websites to practice with:

-Grade 5: Electricity package. Due by Wednesday April 21st.
-Grade 6: Electricity unit Task 2A. Due by Wednesday April 21st.

Social Studies:
-Grade 5: Currently in Science Unit
-Grade 6: Currently in Science Unit.

-Grade 5's: Student Resource 5 and 6. Due by next Health class (after the break). 
-Grade 6's: Action and Consolidation and the Student Resource 3: Exit Card due by Thursday's Health class (after the break).

Visual Arts:
-Northern Lights activity NOW DUE.

-We have now began our Dance Unit.