Monday, January 17, 2022

Asynchronous Inclement Weather ("Snowday") Activities

Today is Monday and it is Day 5 on our timetable. Today we have: Visual Arts, Phys. Ed., Math, Health, and Language.

We are expected back in-school tomorrow, so please make sure you bring back all the school work and resources you will need including appropriate indoor/outdoor clothing...Also please bring in your technology as you would normally from home as you will be needing it in particular for Music.  

All the work will be posted for you today to complete. There will be NO Google Meet. 

By the way...trivia "fun fact" - the exact same thing happened last year. We were supposed to go back to in-person learning after being at home for a while and the day we were supposed to go back it was a snow day!

Please complete the following work:



-"Netflix" book report for Number the Stars is NOW OVERDUE! If you haven't yet handed it in (and there are some of you) please submit it ASAP! 

-Continue using the graphic organizer to collect your Group/Company/Organization Biography JOT notes. The rubric has now been added to the Google Classroom.


-Please go to the Math Google Classroom where I have attached the notes, instructions, and resources you need to complete today's lesson on: "Patterns with the Same Multiplier and a different Constant".

-You will have to go to Mrs. Valiquette/Mr. DeGirolamo's Google Classroom to see if there is anything posted for you.

Visual Arts:

-Please see the Visual Arts Google Classroom.  Keep working on your Islamic Art final copy. Please make sure you have your work with you when we are back in person next week when it will be due next Monday on January 24th. 

Phys. Ed.:

-You can either go through the "Junor_Intermediate" slideshow or play the "Fitness Monopoly" game posted on the Phys Ed. Google Classroom (Click on the "Classwork" tab and then scroll down to the "Choice boards" section). I will also post these on the Social Studies Google Classroom as a backup.