Monday, June 15, 2020

Monday June 15th Online Learning Day

Good morning,

***IMPORTANT NOTE: TOMORROW (Tuesday June 16th) at 10:00am, we will be having a Google Meet session for anyone in class available. Everyone in class is invited...we will meet for approximately 1 hour. Mrs. Murgen will also join us at 10:30am. The goal is to deliver any real-time support and teaching and to answer any questions/comments/concerns over the lessons we are doing.  If you have any questions/concerns about how to log onto to the Google Meet session, please send me a comment today.
Please note that I will be sending out the meeting information and how to join  at approx. 9:45am on Tuesday EITHER HERE OR TO YOUR EMAIL (or both) so please check back at 9:45am on Tuesday to get the Google Meet information login information.***

Today we will be doing Math. Please go to the Google classroom to access the necessary lesson and resources.

As usual, please check past blog posts if you need to find out what you might have missed in order to catch up.

The schedule as always is:
Monday: Math and Drama
Tuesday: Science
Wednesday: Literacy
Thursday: Social Studies and Health
Friday: Math, or Language, or if there's something else that we might need to catch up on.**

Have a great day!

Mr. V