Monday's Asynchronous work
For MONDAY, please complete the following work:
-Read Chapter 7 (starting on page 59 of the online version of the book) of Stone Fox. The novel is available online at the link posted on the Reading Google Classroom.
-If not completed the assignment from Thursday, please complete the assignment. It WAS officially due on Friday.
-If completed, answer then read through the slides #1 - 12 of our NEW UNIT...Coding (posted to the Math Google Classroom)! Skip slide #5 however....ALSO, you can try to complete slides 10, 11, 12, but if you can't figure it out, don't worry...we will go through these together soon enough anyways.
Phys. Ed.
-If you have a ball available at home, you can practice your movement skills and the "forearm pass" (the "bump") from our first volleyball lesson we had last week. If no ball is available, find some way to get some exercise. Here is a good link from Cosmic Kids Yoga you can try:
-I have posted a selection of Drama activities on the VISUAL ARTS Google Classroom. Take a look and feel free to try the activities.
Other than the above, please take the opportunity to look at the blog below and if there is anything you are not finished, please take the opportunity to catch up and finish that.
The updated blog is below (from Friday).