Thursday, May 30, 2019

Science Centre Field Trip Tomorrow

Our Science Centre trip is tomorrow!

In addition to the exhibits, our students will experience the Science Centre school program, “Fun with Physics”.

Travel to the Ontario Science Centre will be by school bus.  

We will leave the school before the start of the regular school day, at 8:30 a.m., and return just before afternoon dismissal.  

Students are asked to be at school by 8:15 for attendance and to board the bus...we will be meeting in the front foyer. 

Students may bring either a packed lunch or money to purchase lunch at the Science Centre.  

Lockers are also available for $1.00 (coins to be inserted at the lockers).  
However, we ask that all valuables be left at home.

We will be putting students into groups of 6 or 7 and students will be informed of these groups when we meet in the morning and take attendance.
Each group will be expected to stay together and stay WITH the supervisor at all times.

We are representing Rick Hansen Public School at this venue. Please remember that there will be zero tolerance for inappropriate and/or unsafe behaviour at this public learning centre.


Mr. Vryonides, Mr. Merali, Mrs. Passmore