Hello one and all.
I have now made an attempt to contact your families via telephone regarding our current situation in education.
If I was unable to contact you over the phone, I followed up with an email.
The main messages were:
-We will be transitioning into online learning next week.
-To please read the two particular emails that were sent out to you regarding available resources and answering the technology survey (from the school board).
In addition to that, know that:
-We will be using the Google classroom to access material and resources much like we have done up to this point now in the school year.
-We might also use online video Apps like "Go to Meeting" where I can provide live lessons.
-I will have "office hours" where it will be dedicated times where you can send me questions, ask for support and feedback on the work we will be doing.
I'd like to stress that we will be using THIS blog as a "home base." From here it will provide you information on which Google Classrooms you need to go to, it will give you instructions on how to access Go To Meeting and other apps, and will give you any other information you will need on what we are doing and if anything changes.
I will do my best to make sure that this transition is as smooth and as stress-free as possible.
I'll give you more information as it becomes updated so please stay tuned and stay healthy!
Mr. Vryonides.