Tuesday, March 24, 2020

About the Current Covid 19 Situation

Hello, just a quick note to parents/guardians and students concerning the current Covid-19 situation.

I know it is a frustrating and challenging time for us all, but I'm confident that our resilience will make us come out of this stronger as a (global) community.

Firstly, for up to date information, please remember to visit the YRDSB website (http://www.yrdsb.ca) for continuing updates on COVID-19. 

As well, to keep your skills sharp,  you can visit the Board portal  and the Learn at Home websites provided by the Ministry for learning resources.

Also, please note that board offices and schools are closed until further notice.

I hope that you are all keeping well at this time and enjoying some extended time with your families. That being said, I also hope that we can get back in the classrooms soon so we can continue the great year we have been having.

Please be safe, healthy, and resilient during this challenging time.

Mr. Vryonides.