Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday April 20th Online Learning Day


I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Today we will be doing Math and Drama. Please go to those Google classrooms to access the necessary lessons and resources. You will have to go to the "Visual Arts" Google Classroom for Drama

As usual, please check the blog posts over the course of the last week if you need to check what we have been doing if you do need to catch up.

Also please note about the faith day I will be taking today as well:
Due to a daily absence, I will not be maintaining office hours or engaging in direct teacher led instruction with students Monday April 20th.  The daily/weekly tasks and assignments will  be shared on our Google Classroom.  Students are encouraged to continue to work through these activities.  I will be resuming office hours and direct teacher led instruction again commencing on Tuesday April 21st.  Thank you.

Have a great day!

Mr. V