Tuesday has officially been anounced as another Inclement Weather day.
We will be staying at home again,but this time it is SYNCHRONOUS learning meaning we will have our Google Meet up again.
It will be Day 1 on our timetable and we will have:
-Music, Science, Math, French, Reading.
Today we have: Visual Arts, Phys. Ed., Math, Health, and Language.
Here is the Google Meet link:
We will now be expected back in-school on WEDNESDAY, so please make sure you bring back all the school work and resources you will need including appropriate indoor/outdoor clothing...on WEDNESDAY...Also please bring in your technology as you would normally from home.
...and don't forget....
FRENCH (this is from Madame Caughey)
-French Winter Writing Project (Ma famille en hiver) is due Wed. Jan. 19.
-Preesentations (speaking) will begin Thursday/Friday next week.
-There will be class time Tuesday for editing and checking in with Madame Caughey, but sentences should be mostly ready to go.
-Assignment posted on FRENCH HOMEROOM, success criteria explains what to include as does the template (pink text box says Grade 4/5/6), resources posted both French homeroom or on the general French class.
(please look at older blog posts for ongoing things we are doing in our other classes)