A reminder that Friday is a P.A. day and Monday we are officially back in the school! It will be Day 5 on our timetable.
Here is the Google Meet link:
Or you can join with the Google Meet code: zpi-fgcy-tfj
The Google Meet code for Music is: iyx6yfx
Here is Madame Caughey's new French link:
Updates from the current day are always in yellow highlights
FRENCH (this is from Madame Caughey)
-French Winter Writing Project (Ma famille en hiver) is due Wed. Jan. 19.
-Preesentations (speaking) will begin Thursday/Friday next week.
-There will be class time Tuesday for editing and checking in with Madame Caughey, but sentences should be mostly ready to go.
-Assignment posted on FRENCH HOMEROOM, success criteria explains what to include as does the template (pink text box says Grade 4/5/6), resources posted both French homeroom or on the general French class.