-Read every night (and log your reading into your reading logs).
-Reading RETELL in Reading Journals: 1 page length. Due next Reading class (Day 2).
Remember the success criteria:
WILF (What I'm Looking For):
-Take BIG steps through the timeline of the events in the retell....talk only about key parts.
-A good retell mentions the main characters: WHO is in the story and WHAT each is doing.
-Mention places, names, etc. specifically
-Reading RETELL in Reading Journals: 1 page length. Due next Reading class (Day 2).
Remember the success criteria:
WILF (What I'm Looking For):
-Take BIG steps through the timeline of the events in the retell....talk only about key parts.
-A good retell mentions the main characters: WHO is in the story and WHAT each is doing.
-Mention places, names, etc. specifically
-Continued from last day: Write a goal to be set based on our Narrative Writing Checklist, then finish writing our first "FLASH DRAFT" of the "Seed Idea" we chose to write from all our Narrative writing entries so far this year.
-Get Mid-Unit Quiz signed at home.
-Unit Test on Tuesday, October 11th.
-Unit Test on Tuesday, October 11th.
Review - Pg. 56 and page 57 (all)
Optional extra practice: pg. 52-->55
-Digestive system story and diagram (due next Science class).
-Soda cracker experiment report.
Music:-Soda cracker experiment report.
-Piggy back songs now complete! Please get rubric signed.
-"What's in a Theme?" unit coming up.
-"What's in a Theme?" unit coming up.
Grade 5 Music (Mr. Merali)
Grade 5 Music (Mr. Merali)
-Working on Piggyback Songs (to continue presenting next class).
Grade 4 Music (Mrs. Passmore's Class)
-Working on Piggyback Songs (continue presenting next class).
-Our recorder unit is coming up!
These are the APPROXIMATE levels corresponding to belts:
White = 3-
Yellow = 3- (Grade 3) /3 (Grade 4)
Orange = 3 (Grade 3) /3+ (Grade 4)
Green = 3+ (Grade 3) /4- (Grade 4)
Purple = 4 - --> 4
Beyond Purple = 4 --> 4+
Beyond Purple = 4 --> 4+
***********REMEMBER...Extra study support for any subject is available every Day 4 at morning recess...However, I will accommodate anyone that wants extra study support on any other day or at any other recess that can work out for the students and myself. PLEASE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE OPPORTUNITIES!!! IT WILL ONLY AID IN THE STUDENT'SSUCCESS!!!!***************