Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Homework, News, and Announcements



-Read every night (and log your reading into your reading logs).

-Feedback was given back for the Narrative story writing on Google Docs for those that shared their Narrative Writing stories...if you haven't yet shared them, please do.
-Add in either a FLASHBACK or FLASHFORWARD to your most recent draft of our Narrative writing...this addition should reflect (once again...) what your story is REALLY about (the real significant meaning behind your story).

-TEST ON ADDING AND SUBTRACTING (Chapter 4 of the Nelson Text) will be on MONDAY OCTOBER 31st.
Today's homework (beginning of the review) is:
Pg. 118#1 - 13
MINIMUM is #1acef, #2)ac, #3), #4)aef, #5), #6), #7), #8)ac, #9)ac, #10), #11), #12, #13)
-The Math re-assessment took place on Monday.

-We covered the the Respiratory system last day.
-Complete the fill in the blanks terms sheet, highlight the information sheet and complete Activity #1 (Straw experiment).

Social Studies:
-QUIZ was completed on Wednesday, October the 26th.
-DON'T FORGET TO STUDY FOR THIS!!! You will be given a particular service and your job will be to indicate which level of government is responsible for it (either Municipal, Provincial, or Federal).

-Currently in "What's in a Theme?" unit.



Grade 5 Music (Mr. Merali)
-Ukulele work has started. 
-Practice up to Frere Jacques (song #8) and fill in Listening Logs after every practice time you complete.

Grade 4 Music (Mrs. Passmore's Class)
-Theory Quiz WAS COMPLETED on Wednesday, OCTOBER 26th

-Our recorder unit is coming up!

These are the APPROXIMATE levels corresponding to belts:
White =  3-

Yellow = 3- (Grade 3) /3 (Grade 4)

Orange = 3 (Grade 3) /3+ (Grade 4)

Green = 3+ (Grade 3) /4- (Grade 4)

Purple = 4 -  --> 4
Beyond Purple = 4 -->  4+

***********REMEMBER...Extra study support for  any subject is available every Day 4 at morning recess...However, I will accommodate anyone that wants extra study support on any other day or at any other recess that can work out for the students and myself.  PLEASE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE OPPORTUNITIES!!! IT WILL ONLY AID IN THE STUDENT'SSUCCESS!!!!***************