Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Inclement Weather Day

 As you may already know, it is an inclement weather day which means we won't be going into school today.

It is also asynchronous work that you will be doing (meaning not live and at your own pace). Here is what you can work on today:

Phys. Ed.:

-Start with our "Grade Down" warm up. Then you can play the Monopoly Fitness game which was previously attached on the Phys. Ed. Google Classroom.



-You can continue to work on redrafting your research report (from yesterday's lesson). It's also an opportunity for those of you to get caught up on your research reports if you are one of those that are STILL behind where you should be. (I know you're out there!)


-Dividing Numbers by Decimals Action Task questions from yesterday...Also you can move on to the "Your Turn Questions" today. THIS WILL BE CHECKED TOMORROW. Don't forget to review the Consolidation Questions and the Sum it up Page.

Social Studies:

-You can continue to work on Task #4  which will be due next day 4.

Visual Arts:

-Continue practicing your head/face proportions sketching practice for your self-portrait.