Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Homework, News, and Announcements

Everyday, you can click on this link to join the google meet which will begin at 9:10am: 

Today is Day 4 on our daily cycle and we will be following our regular schedule as we always would, so you will be doing Literacy, Math, Visual Arts (but today it will be Science/Social Studies), and French. 

We will be live for most of the day today except for 25 minutes each block for independent work and except for recess and lunch.


-Complete a reading response journal entry for the Synthesizing reading strategy we learned about today. The lesson is (as always) posted on the Google classroom for review (due by Tuesday). 
-ALWAYS have a "Just Right"  (grade level, appropriate, etc.) book ready for every reading class. 
-The following website you can now sign out books in the York Region District School Board DIGITAL LIBRARY!:

-Revise your research reports after our lesson on using Mentor Texts as inspiration for revising our writing style or "voice." We had done this in partners.

-Media Literacy:


-Grade 5: Multiplying and Dividing by 10, 100, 1000, and 10 000 Your Turn questions AND THINK THROUGH the consolidation questions posted in the Math Google Classroom notes - to be done by Wednesday. 
-Grade 6: Adding and Subtracting Decimals to solve Problems Your Turn questions AND THINK THROUGH the consolidation questions posted in the Math Google Classroom notes to be done by Wednesday.
-Here is a good site for Math support for the Nelson Math program: 

-And here are more websites to practice with:

-Grade 5: Some of you left early during Science today, perhaps due to a misunderstanding, so you need to go back and finish watching the "Phases of Matter" video located here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBgM73DLK1s
 (finish watching it from where you left off and you will need to take notes).
-Grade 6: Space Task #2 due by Thursday (maybe Friday).

Social Studies:
-Grade 5: Have now completed Part 2 of the Democracy activity - Please check your emails for your rubrics.
-Grade 6: Currently on our Science unit.

-Grade 5's: Complete first two rows of the "Student Resource 1: Persuasive Techniques" task which is posted to the Google Classroom responding to the two food/drink commercials we saw in class on Tuesday January 19th. 
-Grade 6's: Choose two guiding questions and a choice board presentation task by Due Feb. 9th.

Visual Arts:
-Graffiti Art - Due on Wednesday January .27th.

-Now presenting our Protagonists and Antagonists writing in role drama.