Wednesday, May 03, 2017

Homework, News, and Announcements



-Use the formula: "Somebody, Wanted, But, So" for the main character in your Narrative Nonfiction book and complete a reading response.
-Do a retell of the reading you did today "step-by-step."
-Have a NARRATIVE Non-Fiction, "Just Right" book ready for next reading class.

-Organize Boxes and bullets for your claim on chocolate milk. Then write Thesis statement and write a paragraph for each reason (THREE OF THEM)  which supports your claim.

-Math test (Algebra) on Thursday May 4th.
-Here is a good site for Math support for the Nelson Math program:
-And here are another two good websites to practice with:

-Bridges Package.
-Science Inquiry package - NOW DUE.

Social Studies:
-Complete Jacques Cartier's Voyages Package.


-Practice Ukulele and fill in Practice Logs.



Grade 5 Music (Mr. Merali)
-Have 1st two columns of the Fairy Tale sheet completed (adjectives and elements).

Grade 4 Music (Mrs. Passmore's Class)
-Currently in "O Canada and Lands Beyond" unit.
-Complete the Composition on the 5 line staff from the Melodic contour you created in class.

-Our recorder unit is coming up!

These are the APPROXIMATE levels corresponding to belts:
White =  3-

Yellow = 3- (Grade 3) /3 (Grade 4)

Orange = 3 (Grade 3) /3+ (Grade 4)

Green = 3+ (Grade 3) /4- (Grade 4)

Purple = 4 -  --> 4

Beyond Purple = 4 -->  4+