Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Potluck Lunch


Our Potluck Lunch will take place on Thursday, February 16th

We will start at 1:00, during lunch recess, so all food items must be in the class before this time.

Please see the chart below and consider signing up to bring in a (NUT FREE) item. 

In consideration of our nut-free school policy, instead of bringing in home baked goods, we ask that
students MUST bring in food that is certified nut-free (this will mean pre-packaged food).  I know this poses a challenge for some dishes but I hope there is an understanding to fall in line with our school policy.

Thanks very much and please send your child to school with a note of what they will bring in by WEDNESDAY if possible by looking at the list below and choosing one spot. If need be, I will call homes Wednesday evening to ensure that all food categories are covered.

I appreciate your flexibility and patience in this matter.

If there's ANY questions please don't hesitate to email me or call me at the school.

We have 29 students:

Items Requested

First Name of Student
what you are contributing

Paper Plates and Napkins
2 people needed

Plastic Cutlery (Forks/Spoons/Knives)
1 person needed

Drinks (certified nut-free PLEASE)
cans, juice boxes, or 500mL plastic bottles

No 2L pop bottles please - spills are too messy
3 people needed
      Pepsi and Root Beer – Anil
     Mango and Guava juice - Joseph

Finger Foods (certified nut-free PLEASE)

pita and dip 
spring rolls

7 people needed
     Fruit tray – Shivaysh
     Taco Dip with Nachos – Doug
      Angie – Veggie Tray
     finger sandwiches 
     Cookies – Peter
     Spring rolls

Munchies (certified nut-free PLEASE)


7 people needed

     Chips - Bryan
     Ketchup and Barbecue Chips/Popcorn – Carmen
     Chips cheetos and doritos – Anil
     Chips - Rui Lin
     Emma – Smart food popcorn
     Kiri – Chips
    Popcorn - Munir

Main Dishes and Salads (certified nut-free PLEASE)
Please send along a serving utensil if one is needed. 

We do have access to the school microwaves to reheat items if needed.

We do not have access to a stove/oven to prepare foods.

10 people needed

   Ceasar Salad - Symphony
     Ceasar Salad - Joey
    Chicken Wings Kamilia
    Chicken from costco-Edison
     Rice - Sanjeev
     Pizza - Jordan
Sweets (certified nut-free PLEASE)

Please send along a serving utensil if one is needed.
4 people needed
      Ice cream -Sophia
     Cup cakes - Katie
     Gummies – Ya Na
     Brownies - Erins

Movie To Be Shown

Night at the Museum 2